music forward.
Emotiv Media Group
Emotiv is an independent label and artist network providing DIY music promotion, visual design, and marketing consultation for indie electronic artists at no-cost. Emotiv’s music focus is to support outstanding synth-based music like synthpop, synthwave, retro, electropop, and more.
Our vision is to foster an ever-growing electronic artists collective where artists can exchange knowledge, wins and fails, and share the best ways to get our music heard. Learn from artists who are currently doing it, or share your skills and experience with a new artist. Now in partnership with RetroSynth Records!
Platform and Distribution of Your Music
Which distro is best for you? Do you sell CDs and merch online at your own store? Do you qualify for RetroSynth distribution? How do I get started? Find out the best way forward for getting your music heard.
Produce Physical CDs and Merch for Sales
What’s the most cost effective way to get CDs produced. Which is better for you, bulk or on-demand production. What are the best ways to create artwork packaging? Find out how to prepare your files for CDs.
Learn the Fundamentals of Getting Airplay
Learn how to prepare your tracks for airplay. Find out how and where to develop a station and show distro list. Prepare emails that will get read and produce plays on stations focused on your genre of music.